Sunday, September 11, 2011

2011 S-Chassis Meet Pictorial RECAP! (Part 2)

In Part 2 of our pictorial coverage we're gonna showcase all the non S-Chassis goodness at the meet - from the dope Rolling Sushi Van to the awesome spectator cars. Enjoy!

G35 about to get broken off by the Z32TT on the way to K1. Just kidding James :)

"What do you mean 'JCCS is today'?!?"

Should say "VIP Parking Only"

Guessing his Roll Center is about 3ft. under ground


Feeling the FC's as of late

FD <3

They have a Twitter too! Seriously, it was that good.

Legit RHD Evo IV

Not everyday you see a Pearl White and Super White Z32 side-by-side!


That's it! Hope you enjoyed the pics as much as we did taking them! If you weren't there at the meet this year you should make it a point to attend next years event. And it WON'T be on the same day as JCCS. Right John? :)


  1. Thanks for coming out Mike. and no, next year will not be on the same day.

  2. Hey that's my Pearl Z! Pretty cool to see it on a webpage! Nice shot by the way.
